First BIG Concert
June 1, 2022So this morning I packed, checked, double checked and then checked my camera gear again. Bought a ticket and got on the train to Edinburgh to watch Thom Yorke’s new band The Smile (3rd time so far this year), for anybody that knows me, they’ll tell you I’m borderline obsessed with anything Radiohead related. Anyway, the reason I’ve packed my camera gear is because I’ve somehow managed to get on the guest list and grab a photo pass to officially photograph the band live. Mainly thanks to my super amazing girlfriend and her networking contacts.
This got me thinking, all fellow photographers out there, how did you feel or still feel when you get to photograph an artist you admire? Right now I’m filled with excitement and an overwhelming sense of dread. I feel incredibly lucky to have landed such a gig early on in my photography career.
Did you experience this first time around? If so, reach out and tell me.
I keep telling myself to just enjoy it and take it all in, which I WILL do. The proof will be in the pudding as they say.